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  • 地下偶像SANA未增删带翻译1
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在繁华都市的地铁站台上,一位名叫SANA的年轻女子过着双重生活。白天,她是普通的咖啡店服务生;夜晚,她化身为地下偶像,以其独特的嗓音和舞步在隐秘的俱乐部赢得了少数狂热粉丝的心。然而,她的真实身份始终是个谜。一次偶然,记者兼音乐爱好者的KEN追踪到SANA的表演,却意外发现她正被卷入一场关于秘密合约和巨大阴谋的漩涡。随着两人的接触加深,KEN发现SANA不仅仅是一个偶像,她的歌声背后隐藏着更深层次的痛苦和渴望。二人联手展开了一场冒险,力图揭开背后的秘密,同时追寻心灵的自由和爱。他们会如何在欲望与现实的夹缝中找到自己的出路?这是一部关于梦想、身份和勇气的感人故事。 English Translation: In a bustling metropolis subway station, a young woman named SANA leads a double life. By day, she's an ordinary cafe waitress; by night, she becomes an underground idol, captivating a few devoted fans with her unique voice and dance moves in a secret club. However, her true identity remains a mystery. By chance, KEN, a journalist and music enthusiast, tracks down SANA's performance, only to find she's being dragged into a vortex of secret contracts and a grand conspiracy. As their interactions deepen, KEN discovers that SANA is more than just an idol; her singing conceals deeper layers of pain and desire. The two join forces on an adventure to uncover the secrets behind it all, while pursuing freedom and love in the depth of their souls. How will they find their way amidst the desires and realities they face? This is a touching story about dreams, identity, and courage.


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